Global Blake
Global Blake: Tatiana Tiutvionova
In this presentation on the influence of Blake in Russia, Tatiana Tiutvionova focuses on how Blake has informed Russian painters and graphic artists.

The report focuses on the original graphics works by the modern Russian artists such as Pavel Pepperstein, Yuri Vashenko, Anatasia Arhipova, Masha Titova, Katya Vatel, Alice Yufa and others to Blake’s poetry. All these artists represent a New Generation of talented illustrators who have experience with the famous English Literature. Most of the above-mentioned have been awards and recognized artists. The Сreativity of each of them is an appeal to the problems of Spirit, Intellect, Society and Man. Using their personal experience and Blake's legacy, they are find a new wave in the history of illustration. This became possible because many Russian artists read poetry by Blake in English and boldly express their own opinions. Their purpose is free Imagination. This is a kind of key to Blake's works. Another important aspect that the report touches on is a dialogue between the modern culture of Russia and Great Britain. An incredibly important thing, because Blake's ideas were distorted during the Soviet Era, which led to many mistakes. Today in Russia there is a growing interest in Blake's legacy. Contemporary artists have a subtle sense of this process and try to be as part of it.

Tatiana Tiutvinova is Keeper of British Prints and Drawings from the 17th to the first half of the 20th Century in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, Russia). She is professional curator and related academic. In 2011, she co-curated an exhibition ‘William Blake and British Visionary Artists’.  She has also developed the first Russian educational resource site devoted to British prints (, which has over 700 prints online with comments. Her currently research includes the Catalogue Raisonné of British Graphic Collection at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, which will be published in Summer 2025.