Global Blake
Global Blake Conference Recordings
Global Blake: Eugenie Freed
Helen Martins' Owl House in Nieu Bethesda has become one of the leading examples of "Outsider Art". In this presentation, Eugenie Freed explores its links to William Blake's art.
Global Blake: Camille Adnot
Camille Adnot examines the lasting impact of the French Surrealists’ reading of Blake from the 1920s onwards.
Global Blake: Marta Fabi
Marta Fabi explores some of the crossovers between the poetry and philosophy of William Blake and similar ideas in The Matrix.
Global Blake: Susanne Sklar
Susanne Sklar's presentation considers the ways in which the figure of Jerusalem serves to illustrate Blake's ideas of social and economic justice.
Global Blake: Zhongxing Zeng
Zhongxing Zeng presents an original song adaptation of “The Ecchoing Green”
Global Blake: Ines Tebourski
Ines Tebourski explores the ways in which Poetry, Image and Music function as multimodal inscriptions in William Blake's London
Global Blake: Camila Oliveira
Camila Oliveira pressents an overview of Blake’s influence on popular music in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Global Blake: Christoph Reinfandt
Christoph Reinfandt explores various musical settings of Blake with a view to the implications of genre
Global Blake: Mark Lussier
In this paper, Mark Lussier considers Blake at the Event Horizon, how William Blake is used in chaos mathematics and visionary physics.