Conference Programme
Conference organisers: Sibylle Erle and Jason Whittaker
Linda Freedman
"Figures of Fire and Blood Raging": Blake, Duncan and the Politics of Writing from Myth
Chair: Jason Whittaker
David Worrall
Neural Blake: Blake's 'Visions' as Universal Entropic Phenomena
Alexander Abichou
Textual Spirituality and Analogical Imagination: A transhistorical investigation of William Blake and Ibn Arabi’s mysticism
Jodie Marley
What the Yeatses Partly Learned: A Vision, the Illuminated Books, and Spiritual Collaboration
Chair: Luke Walker
Clare Broome Saunders
“Wild glances of the poetical faculty”: Blake’s afterlives in illustrations for EBB's Sonnets
Colin Trodd
William Blake and The Spiritual Forms of Citizenship and Hospitality
Chair: Jason Whittaker
Ramazan Saral
Lost in Translation: The Problem of Translating Blake into Turkish
Juliana Steil
Blake in Brazil: Translations
Tanja Bakic
Example from a Serbian Blog: From A Poison Tree to A Poison Fruit, or Producing Literary Meanings
Eliza Borkowska
Polish Blake: „William Blake: Dzieła zebrane (wydanie krytyczne)”
Chair: Ines Tebourski
Stephen F. Eisenman
Blake and Abolitionism
Chair: Jason Whittaker
This will be a Q&A session with Harriet, along with selections from her performances, including those from her album Heaven and Hell: The Doors of Perception.
Chair: Jason Whittaker
Mei-Ying Sung
Blake’s Orc & the Taiwanese Deity Nezha
Masashi Suzuki
Swedenborgian “Science of Correspondences”: William Blake and D. T. Suzuki
Steve Clark
Blake’s Asia, Asia’s Blake
Chair: Steve Clark
Caroline Anjali Ritchie
Local Blake: London-based small presses, urban topography, and the afterlives of Golgonooza
Silvia Riccardi
“A pure linear undulation” Blakean Inflections in Stile Liberty
Eugenie Freed
Blake in Nieu Bethesda
Chair: Sibylle Erle
Camille Adnot
“Blake le Voyant:” The lasting impact of the French Surrealists’ reading of Blake
Marta Fabi
“You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind”. Tracking down William Blake’s wor(l)ds into The Matrix.
Susanne Sklar
Blake's Global Vision
Chair: Ramazan Saral
Zhongxing Zeng
A Song Adaptation of “The Ecchoing Green”
Ines Tebourski
Poetry/Image/Music: Multimodal Inscriptions on William Blake's London
Camila Oliviera
Global Blake: Afterlives in Musical Settings
Christoph Reinfandt
Musical Settings of Blake: Implications of Genre
Chair: Jason Whittaker
Mark Lussier
Blake at the Event Horizon: Strange Attractors, Visionary Physics, and Quantum Consciousness
Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa
Visual Blake in Brazil: In Memoriam Donald Ault
Chair: Annalisa Volpone
Mike Goode
Viral Blake
Chair: Sibylle Erle
A presentation of the film, Finding Blake and Q&A with the director, James Murray-White.
Chair: Jason Whittaker
Luisa Calè
The Mental Traveller, Italy 1977: Corrado Costa’s revolutionary psychoerotic comic strip William Blake in Beulah
Chair: Sibylle Erle
Vera Serdechnaia
Crying, singing and directing on Blake in Russia (2017-2020)
Tatiana Tiutvionova
A Harmony of Form and Idea: Illustrations by the Modern Russian Artists to Blake’s Poetry
Cecilia Marchetto
William Blake in Galician Literature and Art
Chair: Sibylle Erle
Luke Walker
‘Visions! omens! hallucinations! miracles! ecstasies!’: Allen Ginsberg’s Retellings of His ‘Blake Vision’
Franca Bellarsi
From Blake to Buddha, Biology, and Beyond: the Renewal of ‘Prophetic Labour’ amidst the Beats and Affiliates
Tom Nisse
Le film canoë – Dead man de Jim Jarmusch
Chair: Cecilia Marchetto
Jonathan Gross
Blake’s influence on Orozco: Prophecy, Mexican Murals, and NYC Graffiti
Annalisa Volpone
“Along red network of his veins/what fires run, what craving wakes?”: Plath (re)verses Blake.
Elizabeth Effinger
Queer Family Resemblances: Between Joel-Peter Witkin and William Blake
Chair: Luke Walker
David Smith
“When I see his work, my soul is taken to a world of stars”: Blake as an Influence on Manga
Suellen Cordovil da Silva
William Blake, A Ghost of a Flea and Visions of the Daughters of Albion in From Hell
Adriano Ercolani
The Influence of William Blake on Pop Culture
Chair: Linda Freedman
An open discussion of William Blake's global reception led by the conference organisers and keynote speakers.
Chairs: Sibylle Erle and Jason Whittaker
All times are GMT - Dublin Edinburgh Lisbon London.